Our ESG Scorecard provides a summary of our ESG KPI performance. All results are externally verified by an independent auditor.
Our full performance report covers a wide range of ESG metrics. Not all the data is subject to external verification, however, source data is collated through our annual report and is validated as part of the process.
ESG risks including climate risks are identified and assessed as part of a business wide integrated risk management process.
Climate risks are also considered as part of our TCFD assessment and scenario planning.
Redrow engages with a number of ESG rating agents to assess and monitor our ESG Disclosure performance, including:
Following the combination with Barratt Developments plc, we have launched a new corporate website for Barratt Redrow plc that can be found at www.barrattredrow.co.uk
This legacy website will remain available for a short time, providing historic information, and is no longer being updated.
For up-to-date information on Barratt Redrow, please visit the new website.
For the latest vacancies you can continue to visit our careers section.